

Written by  on July 6, 2015


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Written by  on June 3, 2015

自习室的妹子 一看就来电的妹子 今天终于有机会 坐在她旁边 因为天健停电了 自习室满满的汉子 轻轻地我笑了 我坐在妹子旁边的位子

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Written by  on April 27, 2015

It never came to me that I will end up with such a result in my ACM/ICPC journey. When Kiseki said he wanna quit on last Tuesday, I knew there is nothing to retrieve any more, so I just received his request and I also knew it was doom to be my last game.

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Written by  on March 28, 2015


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Written by  on March 27, 2015

还没打上1700分就又掉了啊。。。 还掉的这么惨,1900+ Rank啊 Orz 其实事后把题目全部做一遍,感觉这一次理应A三道题的,还是差那么一点点啊~

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Pure Pursuing

Written by  on March 15, 2015

Exercise for TOEFL Writing It is still in my mind there are so many times that I have sweared to my mom I would get what a good grades in the exam, and every time I would ask for her promise about what I could get if I made it, I also remember that rarely had I finally done with it. Honestly, I feel shameful and guilty about it.

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No Persuading

Written by  on March 9, 2015

Exercise for TOEFL Writing I have checked my past years a lot, it always comes out one thing that I preferred so much–persuading. When I just entered my university, what I talked most often with my friends is why should they uninstall the software like 360 or QQ Manager entirely, I thought these software were more like wasting RAM and slowing down computer rather than protecting PCs, they are exactly inefficient and unnecessary, of course so do I think of them now. However mostly my dear friends’ responses are far away from positive while I tried so much to prove what I thought of is the truth.

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Written by  on February 20, 2015

亲爱的七姑娘: 对不起,今天又把你给摔了,还是摔了好几个跟头,一下子给你弄上了六个疤。更让我感到愧疚不已的是,你对此却没有任何抱怨。

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Written by  on February 18, 2015


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Arch Linux

Written by  on January 26, 2015

折腾了四五天,最一开始把Installation guide当成Beginners’ guide,卡在分区那里卡了半天卡不明白(因为前者在分区那一块讲的比后者少的多),笔记本上面的Xorg也装了好久都装不成功,就换家里的台式机试,结果显卡驱动又半天装不上(终于理解Linus为什么要对NVIDIA竖中指了),然后又回过头用自己的Thinkpad试,先是Awesome,再是Openbox,越折腾越头大,最后还是选择直接Gnome全套了,横竖自己8G内存+SSD耗得起也懒得精简那多了,不过略惊喜的是Gnome看起来还是很酷炫的,无论如何也总算是完美着陆了。

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