AOAPC I: Volume 1.String

Written by  on October 28, 2014

<<算法竞赛入门经典>> UVaoj 第二卷字符串习题: 401-Palindromes Palindrome回文串, 就是前后对称的字母都相同, Mirrored就是对称的字母必须要成镜像, 镜像就按给的那个表来.

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Written by  on October 26, 2014

我很有点不能理解那些给这部电影打出差评的人, 甚至会出现”文化垃圾”之类的评价, 当然当年恶批的那帮人如今也大都噤声了, 我想或许是因为大话还是具有一定的时代性质的, 曾经的人会很难感受到吧. 其实以前我一直都觉得周星驰就是个痞子样的喜剧演员(甚至不觉得他像个明星), 小时候经常会在家里的当地电视台电影展播里面看到他的身影, 滚来滚去都是那几部, 经常就是看到一个镜头我就想哇这都这么好笑, 看他笑的那么好笑我还是跟着一起笑笑吧, 并且很多时候会因为电影画面实在是烂而感觉他的电影很粗制滥造, 期间也看过大话, 对其中印象更深刻的是飘来飘去的蜘蛛精一看就是道具, 所以稍微长大一点过后看见有人评价他是天才的时候年幼的我都会不自禁地觉得卧槽他都能算, 感觉就像是小时候无论怎么样都无法理解能够证明1+1等于2的人到底牛逼在哪, 明明是我上我都行的.

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AOAPC I: Volume 0

Written by  on October 22, 2014

<<算法竞赛入门经典>> UVaoj 第一卷习题: 10055-Hashmat the Brave Warrior 注意读懂题意, “or vice versa”(反之亦然), 所以注意加一个fabs(a-b), UVaoj第一题就被卡了几次, 简直羞耻Play.

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Written by  on October 18, 2014

等我工作了第一件事就是去办一张Visa然后去Linode日本机房开个VPS, 就!是!这!么!没!出!息! DigitialOcean的SFO1机房速度刚开的时候感觉还好, ping值200上下, 但是好像装了VPN过后ping值就会稳定上升到80左右, ssh上去打字就会感觉略卡, 关于DO SFO1机房具体网络情况, 可以参考以下mtr输出(江西电信网络):

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Written by  on October 12, 2014

POJ2085 Inversion Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 4004 Accepted: 1790 Description The inversion number of an integer sequence a1, a2, . . . , an is the number of pairs (ai, aj) that satisfy i < j and ai > aj . Given n and the inversion number m, your task is to find the smallest permutation of the set { 1, 2, . . . , n }, whose inversion number is exactly m.

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Written by  on October 10, 2014


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Written by  on October 10, 2014

POJ2084 Game of Connections Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 7901 Accepted: 3973 Description This is a small but ancient game. You are supposed to write down the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 2n – 1, 2n consecutively in clockwise order on the ground to form a circle, and then, to draw some straight line segments to connect them into number pairs. Every number must be connected to exactly one another.

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