UVAOJ131 131 – The Psychic Poker Player Time limit: 3.000 seconds The Psychic Poker Player In 5-card draw poker, a player is dealt a hand of five cards (which may be looked at). The player may then discard between zero and five of his or her cards and have them replaced by the same number of cards from the top of the deck (which is face down). The object is to maximize the value of the final hand. The different values of hands in poker are given at the end of this problem.
UVAOJ11025 题意就是求最少只用几个LED灯就可以区分给出的所有的LED,这里关键就是用到状态压缩和与运算。 比如LED灯一开始是:
AOAPC I: Volume 2.Data Structures-Graphs
<<算法竞赛入门经典>> UVaoj第三卷数据结构图习题: 572-Oil Deposits 纯DFS水题,碰见一个pocket来一波DFS即可。 657-The die is cast
UVAOJ196 196 – Spreadsheet Time limit: 3.000 seconds Spreadsheet In 1979, Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston wrote VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet application. It became a huge success and, at that time, was the killer application for the Apple II computers. Today, spreadsheets are found on most desktop computers.
UVAOJ10596 真是跪了。。。明明书上是先讲拓扑后讲欧拉的。。。却先搞这么大一串欧拉的题目,搞得我每次读题都会先各种先发制人想是不是拓扑,完了每次最后发现是欧拉也是醉了。。。
UVAOJ10054 同欧拉系列。。。 不过这个应该是Eulerlan Cycle,然后只有两种情况: 1.可以拼回来,即成功构成Eulerlan Cycle。
UVAOJ10129 欧拉回路,当然准确来说应该归到Eulerlan Path而不是 Eulerlan Cycle,两者的区别就是前者除了两个点之外所有点出度和入度都相等,而剩下的两个点一个点的入度比出度大一,另外一个出度比入度大一,后者则是所有的点的出度入度都相等。
UVAOJ10047 据说是一道很经典的BFS题目。。。 因为要区分无效循环和正常遍历。。所以每个点除了xy坐标需要标记一下之外,还要标记轮子的方向和接地面的颜色。。。