Year in 2016
Well, no doubt that 2016 is the most glorious year in my life before. I got my first job as a software engineer, and fortunately, I have got chance to work on some new field about algorithm: Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, while I thought I would be a web back-end engineer, so technically, I am an algorithm engineer now, that’s cool, isn’t it? Thanks to my lovely teammates, every working day is so attractive to me, not only I can get help about work from them but also to have wonderful food with them. Everything is just awesome.
此生我最痴迷得无法自拔的有两样,一个是代码,一个是猫,即使我现在并不是一个代码高手,也没有养猫。 读过一点村上春树的《猫》,里面对猫的爱之表达真实毫无保留,毫无保留到令人发指,没错我说的就是里面的虐猫描写,我能够理解他们日本人这种习惯将任何情怀发挥到极致,但是对于同样爱猫的我来说,着实不能接受,所以那书我看了一半就丢掉了(只是从我的Kindle Library删除 :p)。不过书中倒是有一个有趣的事实,那就是猫只会在人类面前发出「喵」的叫声,仔细一想还真的是,说是永远不可能被驯服的喵君,无形之中也似乎已为人类所征服,当然这也可能只是我们这些无知人类的意淫。
「You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. 」