

Written by  on June 17, 2014

原题POJ1753 Flip Game Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 36003 Accepted: 15706 Description Flip game is played on a rectangular 4×4 field with two-sided pieces placed on each of its 16 squares. One side of each piece is white and the other one is black and each piece is lying either it’s black or white side up. Each round you flip 3 to 5 pieces, thus changing the color of their upper side from black to white and vice versa. The pieces to be flipped are chosen every round according to the following rules:

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Written by  on June 17, 2014


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Written by  on June 13, 2014

今天晚上诗意略浓,遂作: 啊 今晚 巴西踢 克罗地亚 内马尔 好帅 哦 这诗体姑且取名作pYramid,注意,不是pyramid哦。 碎叫,三小时过后起来看球赛。

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Written by  on June 12, 2014

前天看见同学分享的一个微软面试题:求 y = sin(e^5120) 的值 然后就在网上搜了一下, 就找到了GMP这个玩意儿, GNU多重精度运算库(英语:GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library,简称GMP或gmpal)是一个开源的任意精度运算库,支持正负数的整数、有理数、浮点数。它没有任何任何精度限制,只受限于可用内存。GMP有很多函数,它们都有一个规则的接口。它是C语言写成的,但用为其他很多语言做包装,包括Ada,C++,C#,OCaml,Perl,PHP和python。 GMP主要运用于密码程序和搜索,和计算机代数系统。 GMP的目标是成为最快的大数运算库, GMP是GNU项目的一部分,它在GNU宽通用公共许可证下发表。 GMP在许多计算机辅助代数系统中用于整数运算,如Mathematica和Maple。 GMP需要使用GNU(GCC编译器套装)编译。

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Written by  on June 10, 2014

今天上arch wiki的查资料时候, 又一不小心把arch打成arc, 因为arc和arch发音太近, 所以有的时候手快一点就容易打错, 突然灵光一闪去Linost瞄了一眼arclinux.org这个域名注册情况, 结果发现居然没有人注册(表示看不懂arc-linux.org倒是有人注册了), 然后立马下单,下完单一看傻了眼, 手速快了点给注册成arclinux.com了, 完了不得不再把org域名注册一遍, 今年在域名上面真是很花了些银子… 然后就是设置Google Analytics, 一直折腾到现在都没有搞好, 代码放到网页上去过后Status始终是Tracking Not Installed, 起初发现自己script后面忘记写type=, 后来加上去了一直到现在还是没有receiving data, 这夜深人静时刻, 果真是把自己折腾得醉了.

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Written by  on May 26, 2014

So, I got something new. When it was my first day to be in campus, I think I gonna do something cool, but it never comes to me what exactly it is and how it will be, I didn’t think too much about it, the only idea in my mind is that: I gonna be cool(so that I can change the whole world). Obviously, I was just naive . Time is such a great thing, looking back to my past years, it always comes to me that how funny and ridiculous I was, even if I have been an adult and collge guy and had so much mind of my own(I think), the power of time never decrease, it seemed to be a long way to fight with it. Whatever, it’s an end, and a start, too. To be continued…

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Written by  on March 17, 2014

准备: 我在蚂蜂窝上下了三篇旅游攻略,然后再把百度豆瓣上几篇人家写的旅游推荐同步到手机iCloud文档上面,去ATM机取了五百块钱,然后就出发了。 仅做参考。

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