

Written by  on February 19, 2015

UVAOJ10054 同欧拉系列。。。 不过这个应该是Eulerlan Cycle,然后只有两种情况: 1.可以拼回来,即成功构成Eulerlan Cycle。

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Written by  on February 19, 2015

UVAOJ10129 欧拉回路,当然准确来说应该归到Eulerlan Path而不是 Eulerlan Cycle,两者的区别就是前者除了两个点之外所有点出度和入度都相等,而剩下的两个点一个点的入度比出度大一,另外一个出度比入度大一,后者则是所有的点的出度入度都相等。

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Written by  on February 19, 2015

UVAOJ10047 据说是一道很经典的BFS题目。。。 因为要区分无效循环和正常遍历。。所以每个点除了xy坐标需要标记一下之外,还要标记轮子的方向和接地面的颜色。。。

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Written by  on February 14, 2015

UVAOJ10557 这个题最关键的部分就是对于环的处理。 先记录下每个点是否已经访问,并且到达那个点时候的能量值,然后碰见环再次访问已经访问过的点的时候,如果能量大于之前,就说明通过这个环能量可以增长到无限大,然后再开启另一个DFS探测环是否有到达终点的路线,如果有那么直接就是winnable,否则的话直接放弃这个环。

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Written by  on February 13, 2015

UVAOJ705 705 – Slash Maze Time limit: 3.000 seconds   Slash Maze  By filling a rectangle with slashes (/) and backslashes ( ), you can generate nice little mazes. Here is an example:

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AOAPC I: Volume 2.Data Structures-Binary Trees

Written by  on February 12, 2015

<<算法竞赛入门经典>> UVaoj第三卷数据结构二叉树习题: 112-Tree Summing UVAOJ112 548-Tree UVAOJ548 297-Quadtrees UVAOJ297 712-S-Trees

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Written by  on February 12, 2015

UVAOJ10562 应该是UVa的原因,样例输入的格式显示似乎有一点偏差,其实真正的输入是这样的: Shell

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Written by  on February 12, 2015

UVAOJ839 不需要建树,直接遍历,如果平衡就返回正常值,否则返回0. Shell

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Written by  on February 8, 2015

UVAOJ327 327 – Evaluating Simple C Expressions Time limit: 3.000 seconds  Evaluating Simple C Expressions  The task in this problem is to evaluate a sequence of simple C expressions, buy you need not know C to solve the problem! Each of the expressions will appear on a line by itself and will contain no more than 110 characters. The expressions to be evaluated will contain only simple integer variables and a limited set of operators; there will be no constants in the expressions. There are 26 variables which may appear in our simple expressions, namely those with the names a through z(lower-case letters only). At the beginning of evaluation of each expression, these 26 variables will have the integer values 1 through 26, respectively (that is, a = 1, b = 2, …, n = 14, o = 15, …,z = 26). Each variable will appear at most once in an expression, and many variables may not be used at all.

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Written by  on February 5, 2015

UVAOJ699 699 – The Falling Leaves Time limit: 3.000 seconds   The Falling Leaves  Each year, fall in the North Central region is accompanied by the brilliant colors of the leaves on the trees, followed quickly by the falling leaves accumulating under the trees. If the same thing happened to binary trees, how large would the piles of leaves become?

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